Seven Website Design Elements for Your Business Website

Seven Website Design Elements for Your Business Website

Are you looking to create a website for your small business?  Are you wondering how to get started in creating an online platform to market your business?  Creating a website is no easy feat.  Trusting the experts in web design in Orlando is a great way to get started on the right foot, as the experts will help you throughout the entire process.  When it comes time to get started on your business website, you want to make sure that your page is easy to navigate, efficiently designed, informative, and attractive.  Meeting all of these goals can take time.  There are a few website design elements that you'll want to implement into your business website.

Navigation or Menu Bar

Whenever a customer first stumbles upon your website, you want to be sure that the menu options are easy to locate.  This will help them find exactly what they are looking for.  If they spend too much time looking for something, they will be more likely to travel to a different website, causing you to lose their business.  Instead, implement a navigation bar on the top of your website or a menu bar down the side of your home page.  On this bar, you should write the other pages they can travel to, including contact, services you offer, shopping options, location, specials, and other important pages.

Header Image

A header image will likely be the first things that your customers see when they travel to the homepage of your website.  This image will sprawl across the top and provide them with a great first impression.  You'll want to choose an image that reflects your overall brand and mission.  You also want to make sure that it is attractive and relatable to your business.  Also, be sure that your image is high resolution so that it will load on any device or screen.  You will want to choose a header image that draws attention and encourages them to interact with your site further.  


The fonts you choose to work with are also important in your website design.  You'll want to choose typography that reflects your business and is also easy to read.  This can include using different fonts that complement each other in design.  This is common in order to provide hierarchy to your information and also enhance the overall aesthetic of your website.  To avoid becoming too cluttered or distracting, keep your font choices to two or three fonts.

White Space

Whenever your website is too busy, people may become overstimulated or distracted from the important information.  Avoid this by creating some white space on your pages.  As experts in web design in Orlando, we understand that many novice website creators may have the urge to fill every space, but this can actually work against the website and cause your bounce rates to skyrocket.  Instead, you should choose white space, or simply just blank space using the color scheme of your brand.  This will also allow other elements to pop, which will divert your customer's attention to the more important messages.  

Call to Action

Many of your visitors may just come to your website, read the page, and then exit.  Instead of just prompting them to leave your site, you should always include a call to action.  This can involve a button that allows them to call your company, a contact sheet, a question form, or other modes of interaction.  Social media sharing is also a common way to allow people to bookmark or share your page on their social media profiles.  Whenever you ask your visitors to interact with your business, they will have a higher conversion rate.  This will help you increase your business in the long run.  


If your website is content-rich, you will want to provide some structure to your page.  Do this by using a hierarchy to organize your information.  Use larger or bolder fonts for the critical information that is listed on the top, and then work your way towards smaller fonts or bulleted lists.  This will help to create some layered elements to your website, and it will also increase attention toward the headlines or titles.  This way, it will be easy for your customers to locate the information they are looking for, while enhancing the overall appeal and organization of the website design itself.

Contact Forms

Anytime you have a small business website that offers a service, you will want to include an opportunity for the future customer to leave their contact information and their concerns.  Contact forms are a great way to call them to action while they are on your website, which increases the likelihood of them becoming your customer.  This is important because many people may forget to call you later or they may find another company in the meantime.  By prompting them to leave their contact information and brief message, you will be able to contact them in return and discuss their needs with them.  As experts in web design in Orlando, we understand the tactics that you can use in order to convert your visitors into customers and watch your business soar towards success.

These are just a few of the important website design elements that you'll want to incorporate into your business website.  Some of these elements are incredibly important to make sure that your customers can easily navigate through your pages to get the information they need.  Also, you want to keep things clean and attractive so that they stay enticed to stay on your page for a longer period of time.  In order to meet the goals of your small business website, you should trust the experts in web design in Orlando to design your website.  Contact us to hear about our quality web design services today.

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